Well, I continued my shopping and looked at some hats. A light green hat caught my attention and I noticed the label said Smith & Hawken. I tried it on but it was a little large for my head. I asked a nice looking young man nearby who was also looking at hats his opinion and brought up about the label.
It led to an interesting conversation about gardening and the Hori Hori as I told him about how I was once directed to Smith Hawken to try to locate one and my experience with working with them at Denver Botanic Gardens where I used to volunteer. It turned out this young man knew exactly what I spoke of because he is into agricultural gardening and just learned about the Hori Hori too. He told me of a store in the East Bay that sells them too.

Then, I remembered the purple pullover sweater I found earlier and told him about it. He was interested in seeing it. So I took him to it and he liked it. Here he is wearing the sweater. It made my day!