
Monday, November 29, 2010

Applying Makeup in Class

Applying Makeup in Class from Catherine Packler on Vimeo.
Using the webcam as a mirror. I've become very fascinated with making videos and hope to get more adept at it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Recent Planting at Brentwood Park

At Brentwood Park in South San Francisco, California a group of volunteers from the community came and did a planting effort in what seemed like record time. We alloted two hours to complete the project but with stellar collaboration, we completed the task in less than an hour. It seemed like ten minutes when actually it may have been twenty. Yay IPP team!
Photos by Rosa Acosta
Event: Brentwood Park Planting
November 13, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Physically challenged kids running race - Stalin

This is a heart-warming video where all participants are champions, but it was first conceived in the heart.

Planting at Brentwood Park

I felt like a real cheerleader this morning as we met for another wonderful community planting, this time at Brentwood Park. We began at 9AM and were to be finished by 11AM. We indulged in the coffee and donuts provided for us before getting started.

Then, with shovels and other gardening instruments we began the task of be-earthing the plants. As I saw many who struggled with just a hand shovel at digging a hole large enough to contain the gallon-size plants, I asked them to step back and for the guys with big shovels to dig the holes for us.

Then these relieved helpers were able to do their part with great ease. I collected empty pots and put them in the back of the city truck. We finished in less than an hour. It went so quickly that even the city personnel were surprised. It felt so good to see everyone doing their part and in collaboration with each other.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Beauty Makeover

Here is an avatar I made out of another one. I placed them side-by-side to compare the new from the original. I made the new version but did not make the original. It was edited in Photoshop, my very favorite Adobe program.

My Mascot

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

With Rainy Season Drawing Nigh

I have found a viable solution to highway glare that remarkably improves driving visibility in rainy conditions. I invested in a couple pairs of Polaroid clip-ons. They have been my means of survival in high glare conditions. I cannot recommend them enough to all my friends or to anyone who finds themselves having to drive in the rain, or snow, for that matter. I would even go on to say that they should be required of all drivers as using seat belts are. They make that much of a difference.

I have one pair that is a driver Serengeti and the other being a golden brown. I think I paid $30 for each. I use them both interchangeably and believe this is the best combination to have since not all lighting conditions are the same. Believe me, once you've tried wearing these, you would be convinced that they can make the difference between safe, comfortable driving and hazardous driving. I cannot stress enough the difference Polaroid technology has made for me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Most Entertaining Job

I have fond memories of having worked at an ice rink in the Denver Area as an ice monitor and a "rink mom." I also performed janitorial duties there. As a perk, I got to skate for free at the public skating sessions.

As an "ice monitor" it was my responsibility to maintain and ensure safe skating conditions for all during public skating sessions. I enjoyed helping the younger and newer skaters overcome fears and enjoy their time on the ice and enjoyed less enforcing rules that were occasionally violated by some daring skaters. I also preferred less densely populated ice conditions except when jointly monitored with another rink employee.

As a "rink mom" my duties were to set up sound equipment, take roll of skaters for each contract ice session, announce the sessions and skater programs, play music, announce zamboni times, clear the ice at the change of sessions, break down sound equipment. Most fun was to watch the skaters perform their programs as well as become acquainted with the skaters and the coaches. One of the coaches told me I sounded very much like a flight attendant when I operated the public address system. I liked doing that as well as the compliment.
The name of the rink at the time was The Sun Microsystems Ice Centre. It has since changed its name to The Ice Centre in the Promenade.

My Most Colorful Job

Back in the day when the Internet was still young to the public use, I found an optical tech job online, while I was still living in Denver. I applied for the job and found myself, oddly enough, jotting down my experience with color and not fully aware as to why it would have any bearing with the job responsibilities.

Then, during a tour of the lab, I found out as we passed by the dye station that the position was for a lens tinter which the ad failed to mention.

Well, after having followed up with a phone call a week later, I came in again and was hired for the position. It was a real adjustment getting to work at 6:30 in the morning and learning the job. It was a very detail-oriented job that required a lot of patience in learning, but I was finally able to master it. I was recognized as the best dye tech that this lab ever had in its thirty years of existence at the time. I was even called "the color lady" by the company's vice president who hired me.

While I was there, I made solid and gradient tints on cut and uncut lenses of different kinds of plastic materials. I also learned duties in other areas of the finishing department. It was probably the most technical job I've had.

It also felt like family there as we worked together as a team and met regularly in the conference room. I felt that was very beneficial and helped keep everyone on the same page. I have kept somewhat in contact with people there since then over the years. This job was held at Duffens Optical.

A Refreshing, Healthy, Delicious Drink

Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie

Frozen Blueberries
Plain Yogurt

Mix all ingredients in a blender in proportions to your desired taste.

Come out with this: